Friday, February 22, 2008

These Days

Evan just becomes more amazing all of the time, I am so lucky to have the opportunity to spend my time with him - to hopefully ensure that he grows up to be a confident and love-filled adult. Despite the hard moments, I cherish my days with him and am thankful to finally have my dream job! Lately, he just seems to understand everything we say. It's great to have him answer "yes" or "no" (with nods) when we ask him questions, and he's using about 28 signs. Every day is an adventure to him, he loves to point things out to us and be outdoors. We've been hiking a lot lately with the nice weather, and he seems to get just as energized from the activity as mom! His favorite thing to do lately is feed his fish, every morning that's the first thing we do. Although, numerous times throughout the day I find myself digging random things out of the tank (raisins, crackers, fuzz). He also is great at giving kisses lately...big, open-mouthed ones :) We are lucky to have an amazing group of friends that we're able to do lots of fun things with throughout the week, they've been such a source of support, friendship and inspiration over the past 14+ months - I'd never stay sane, and Evan wouldn't have great playmates without them!

1 comment:

Christina K. said...

What a cutie!! That is so great he knows so many signs! Just had to say Owen has the same pj's :)