Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day

We enjoyed a perfect Labor Day weekend, complete with happy hour, house projects and lots of fun with friends! We had to say goodbye to the Lundgren's for a little while, but Evan had tons of fun playing while they were in town. We went to a BBQ hosted by the Spence's on Sun. and had a great time visiting & playing. Then, we hosted our own BBQ yesterday which was a bit of craziness (just how we like it)! It was wonderful fun for the parents & babies alike to have so many of us together, and we even managed to get all of the toddlers in one picture - we didn't even attempt to get the newborns in there. I definitely had a moment in the midst of the mayhem, standing back to appreciate what was going on. Our house, filled with love & activity, and perfect to entertain in - and all of our great friends that we've met since having Evan. When I was pregnant, I was really nervous about not knowing anyone that would have babies the same age - and then moving out of the city we were a little apprehensive about how everything would fall together for us. But, here we are only a year later - living a life we only dreamed of, with wonderful new neighbors & friends, and a vibrant son who loves to entertain just as much as we do! We are so thankful for everyone in our lives, for the dreamy place we get to call home, and most of all for Evan - who shows us the simplest but most important things in life every day...like how to beg food off of anyone who will pay attention (thanks, Wes!).

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